SiteCloud Review
SiteCloud is a new web hosting company, established in 2010 by Trey Gardner, an outstanding person in the web hosting industry. SiteCloud offers a wide rand of cloud hosting solutions: shared, virtual servers, dedicated servers and reseller hosting. The company use cPanel/WHM as control panel interface for their cloud hosting accounts, which are backed by their unique cloud hosting architecture which provides scalability, performance and reliability for their customers. SiteCloud advantage is that does not require technical knowledge, their clustered interface can be used for anyone who can upload and configure a site on a traditional hosting account. Their hosting technology enables to SiteCloud’s customers to never experience slow downs, outages or website down-times, even if they reach the maximum usage as Twitter, Digg, StubmleUpon.
SiteCloud Hosting Rating
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Complete Review of SiteCloud Hosting
As I already said, SiteCloud is a new company, which providers cloud hosting in different forms. There are available many cloud hosting plans for different hosting needs: shared, virtual, dedicated and reseller cloud hosting.
The company had a bad start with the Amazon EC Elastic Cloud system but they has changed the hosting arhitecture and have built their own cloud environment which is running much much better than with the Amazon.
SiteCloud Hits
- Powered by SiteCloud unique cloud environment
- Wide range of cloud hosting packages
- Scalability, upgrade and downgrade possibility
- Compute cycling technology
- Free Site Migration
- cPanel/WHM control panel interface optimized for cloud
- Nightly backups and hosting guarantees
- Wind powered servers - eco friendly hosting
SiteCloud Misses
- New in the hosting industry - there are not available many customers reviews
Which Cloud Hosting Package is right for me?
Shared Cloud Hosting - This type of clustered hosting is recommended for medium sized CMS websites (Joomla, WordPress, Drupal), small e-Commerce and business websites.
Virtual Cloud Hosting - For large e-Commerce website, online communities, CMS websites with multiple functionality, large corporate websites you should choose a virtual server.
Reseller Cloud Hosting - Want to reseller SiteCloud's service to your clients? The basic package starts as $19/mo, which offers 25GB storage, 250GB bandwidth and up to 5000 cloud cycles.
Dedicated Cloud Hosting - You should consider a dedicated server for a large enterprise website, or for a large community website with thousand of users and functionality.
Is SiteCloud recommended for business?
Since they has changed their hosting architecture and built their own cloud hosting environment, SiteCloud had better performance. However they are new in the hosting industry, we highly recommend them for any small business to large corporate website onwers not only because SiteCloud has really good features but the technical support is also excellent, over our expectations.
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Disclosure: We receive compensation from the web hosting companies, this does not influence the rankings and reviews on our website. We give high marks to companies that deserve it.
Customer Reviews
Price & Features:
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Date: 06 February 2011
Name: Steve
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Date: 03 February 2011
Name: Peter
In the most recent round of changes, they did the migration by telling vaguely that it was coming, but no word as to when it would come. They told us to take on running our own name servers, but their system is not set-up to handshake with that.
Some of the technical support people are sarcastic and do not address the support requests at hand. This puts you in a prolonged cycle of reiterating your support request without any remedy.
They are either victims of their success; or just not ready to host web sites.
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Date: 14 January 2011
Name: mike
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Date: 13 January 2011
Name: Dave Jones
I gave Sitecloud several months to fix all the problems they have been having, so what's the result?
Quite simply, nothing but more problems.
They moved from the Amazon to Singlehop cloud and things looked OK for a few weeks, but then the problems started again.
Many problems, often multiple times daily.
My forums were slow, my Wordpress installations were slow, and automated reports said the site sometimes went down several times day.
Database and MySQL access issues, FTP access issues.
Complaints were usually met with "we see nothing wrong at our end".
Bullshit. Siteclouds own blog would go down every time my site went down. It wasn't my site it's their cloud server.
They would almost never inform customers when something was wrong.
They also removed the "backup" option from cPanel that all other hosts have, so they make you backup via FTP and SQLadmin. They claim it slows the system down.
So I have moved my sites back to my old Hostmonster account, and instantly the speed jumped through the roof.
Moving to was the worst decision I ever made. Nothing but grief.
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Date: 15 October 2010
Name: Michael
Later that week, they went on with their "scheduled" maintenance and the stickyness of my site all of a sudden went away... the fastest I have ever seen my site.
Since they made the changes from Amazon, their service has been super! Sometimes I think if I hadn't given them the benefit of the doubt, I would have missed out!
SiteCloud is great!
Price & Features:
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Date: 25 September 2010
Name: Guest
Price & Features:
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Date: 18 September 2010
Name: Guest
I am giving them a good rating because they were great before. The customer service was upfront and told us they were on it to fix it, and they did it exactly when they said they were going to do it.
Stuff goes wrong, but they didn't run away from the problem, they tackled it and resolved it and that's what makes a company different and better.
I'll stay with them for now.
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Date: 16 September 2010
Name: Guest
we've lost traffic and sales from our marketing dollars because the server was always in "503 error". If they don't do something drastic very soon, their reputation and business is going down the drain.
I don't even think they'll give me a refund.
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Date: 15 September 2010
Name: Guest
They goofed up the site migration which I had to help them solve, that took a few days.
Seemed to work ok for a while until my viewers started reporting 503 sever error messages daily.
Their Support ticket system is broken, wondered why I got no tech response, you must email them for help.
All sorts of other random problems with my SMF forum, and database access.
SiteCloud did not believe me about the 503 error messages, but after a few weeks it finally all died and I got Error 28 on phpMyAdmin. They finally admitted they had a bug in their implementation with Amazon and are looking into as I type this.
Verdict is still out, but I've had nothing but problems from day 1.
I get the feeling Sitecloud will be good IF they can fix their problems. If not, they will be out of business very shortly!
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Overall Rating:
Date: 08 September 2010
Name: Guest
Could be that they are working out their kinks, but I wasted four days trying to get a site up and I've done this hundreds of times.
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